The main objectives when building the galaxy for Starship Simulator were for it to be 1:1 scale, be as scientifically accurate as possible, and also be completely seamless so that you can travel anywhere in the galaxy, in real-time, while watching the actual stars moving out of your ship’s windows.

We wanted the galaxy to be a real physical place where you have complete freedom of movement. For example, you could be in orbit around Earth, and then by simply engaging the FTL engines at say 25% you can fly over to Mars in a dozen seconds, but when you get there you change your mind and throttle up to 100%, propelling the ship straight out of the Sol system and into deep space. Then, you catch a glimpse of a bright star and steer the ship towards it, throttling down on approach so that you can arrive in orbit around a distant exoplanet. You could even change your mind half way and point the ship at a different star instead.

You can explore every square centimeter of the entire galaxy, even the space between stars, and below is how we did it.


If there’s one thing you learn quickly when trying to model the entire galaxy, it’s how mind-blowingly far apart everything is. The Milky Way is some 100,000 lightyears wide, and it’s simply not possible to render all of that seamlessly at 1:1 scale using today’s game engines. In addition to this, we can’t just throw some random stars into a spiral shape and call it job done either. We actually need those stars to be consistent for all players, and to also contain numerous data points for things like Temperature, Radius, Spectral Class, and all the information on any orbiting planets. Some out-of-the-box thinking is definitely required to achieve our goals.

Seed-driven procedural generation is naturally the secret sauce that makes this all possible, but we’re still faced with the challenge of managing all of that data, and generating it in real-time so that it’s available to the game engine without a huge amount of CPU overhead.

We’re making Starship Simulator in Unreal Engine 5, but despite its native support for 64 bit doubles (really, really big numbers), it still only allows us to use a relatively limited INT32 value as a seed for the random number generator. This presents us with a challenge, because even with negative numbers taken into account, there are still only about 4 billion unique INT32 values available. When you then consider that our galaxy has a base volume of roughly 8 trillion cubic lightyears, there’s just not enough unique seeds available for each cubic lightyear to have its own seed.

To overcome this particular problem we’ve split the galaxy into 100ly cubes that we’re calling “Sectors”, and this reduces the minimum number of unique seeds required to a much more reasonable 10 million. In fact, we now have enough seeds available to include the galactic halo region as well, giving us a total playable area of 4 quadrillion cubic lightyears.  There isn’t actually a hard limit on how far from the galaxy you can fly, but stars will eventually stop generating.


Splitting the galaxy into multiple 100ly³ sectors actually helps us in numerous ways, beyond simply reducing the number of unique seeds required. It also means each sector can have a galactic region type associated with it (core, arm, inter-arm, etc), and we can also customise any individual sector any way we want. For example, to use real-world star data instead of procedural generation, where such data exists. Some sectors can also be specialty regions, such as open or globular clusters, or perhaps even something weird and unknown.

Despite taking a bit of sci-fi license here and there for the sake of interesting gameplay, we’re endeavouring to be scientifically accurate wherever possible, and the physical structure of the galaxy is certainly no exception. As mentioned above, each sector knows which region of the galaxy it’s located in, and that directly controls the age and class of stars that are generated within it. For example, you’ll likely never find young O-Class stars in the inter-arm regions, so you’ll need to look for local clusters in the galactic arms if you want to find those types of stars. This also has a bearing on the development level of any alien species generated in that sector, but we’ll dig deeper into that subject later.

The current sector types at the time of writing are:


This is a single 100ly sector right in the middle of the galaxy that will contain Sag A* (our supermassive black hole) and the stars surrounding it. This will be a special and dangerous place eventually, and we really want to do it justice. It’s a long way to travel and a relatively large time investment to get there, so we’re keen to make visiting our galactic core a unique and rewarding experience.


The central bulge surrounds the core, and it’s populated with mainly low-metal Population II stars over 10 billion years old. This is actually why the centre of spiral galaxies are yellow/orange in colour, it’s because of the type of stars generally found there. Low-metal stars have very few to no rocky worlds, due to the lack of heavier elements present.


The thin disc is where all the Population I stars our found, being high-metal stars younger than 8-10 billion years. This is the only place you’ll generally find O and B class stars, with O Class being limited almost exclusively to Open Clusters (star-forming dust clouds) as they are <100 million years old. The inter-arm areas generally won’t have any O/B class stars or Open Clusters, consisting mainly of older stars. The thin disc sectors are where the bulk of high-metal stars and planets can be found, with this region being responsible for some 85% of the entire galaxy’s mass. The edge of the thin disc extends to roughly 50,000ly from the galactic core.


The thick disc contains mainly low-metal Population II stars, somewhat older and even less metal rich than the central bulge region. Again, you typically won’t find many interesting worlds in this area. They will predominantly be gas giants or icy worlds.


Getting less and less dense the further out you go, the Halo is a mix of very old Population II stars and dense globular clusters. The edge of the halo sits roughly 80,000ly away from the galactic core, and here you will find only the very oldest of stars.


These are dense regions of Population II stars, which can be found scattered throughout the Halo and in some of the Thick Disc.


As you pass beyond 80,000ly away from the galactic core stars will cease to be generated, and you will truly be in Intergalactic Space. There’s no hard edge and you can keep flying, but there’s nothing to be found out there except running out of fuel and resources.
The number of stars generated within each sector will depend on its region type, with the bulk of the galaxy’s stars being generated in the thin disc and core regions. The average number of stars in a spiral arm sector is roughly 4,000, and this increases to over 8,000 in the galactic core.

Because each sector has a volume of 100³ lightyears, that means there are exactly 1 million unique coordinate points within each and every sector where a “Location” can exist. A location can be a star system, a black hole, a rogue planet, or anything in-between. Each location has a volume of 1 cubic lightyear, and this is where we spawn all of the interesting stuff such as planets, aliens, and other interesting things to interact with. This does of course mean that no star system can exceed 1 lightyear in diameter, but for 99.999% of cases that’s more than enough space.

Next we’ll look at how the sectors are actually generated.


Every time your ship crosses the border into a new sector, the game will run the sector generation algorithm. In fact, at any given moment there are 27 sectors being generated, which represents a 3x3x3 grid of sectors surrounding the ship’s location. Typically that’s an average of 100,000 stars worth of data to filter and sort!

Each sector has a globally unique seed, which is derived mathematically from the sector’s XYZ coordinates. This seed is used to randomly distribute star systems and any other interesting locations within a sector, in addition to randomly determining extra location data such as a star’s temperature and spectral class.

The percentage chance for each type of star class or other location to be generated depends on the type of sector we’re looking at, in addition to the overall density of locations as determined by a galactic density map. Each pixel on the map represents a single individual sector, whereby the pixel’s 0-1 value translates to 0-8000 stars, plus or minus a bit of randomness. The greyscale image on the right represents the actual density map used by the game right now, but there are plans to refine this further to achieve a better overall galactic structure.

To maintain performance it’s critical that we never generate more than the absolute barest minimum amount of data required, and also that we never generate fresh data unless we absolutely need to. To that end, the galaxy system has already gone through numerous optimisation passes to achieve what we have today.

The system adheres to the principle of “generate once, use many”, which means once we’ve gone through the effort of generating all the sector data, we store it in a central location for all other game systems to access. There is however one additional task to perform, which is to sort the list of stars by distance to the current ship location, and this takes place every time the ship passes the border of the next whole lightyear. We’ll come back to that point later though.

Now that we have our sectors generated, and we know what locations exists within those sectors, how do we generate the contents of each location? This is where careful data management is critical, because we can’t generate every planet in every one of the sector’s locations all at once. Instead, when you scan a star system using the ship’s sensors it will generate some data on the fly, but again it’s no more data than is actually needed for the sensors display. The full data for a star system will only be generated when you pass within its 1ly cube, and high-cost data such as 8k surface textures will only be generated when you are in range of a planet.

Speaking of planets, let’s take a look at how the star systems themselves are generated.


Just as with the galaxy itself, we were keen from the outset for our star systems to be built using real world astrophysics. When exploring distant exoplanets we want to feel that they are in every way plausible, and given the same environmental conditions a similar planet might actually exist out there for real somewhere.

The process begins by taking the Temperature, Radius and Spectral Class of the central star that was generated by the galaxy system. We use this to derive the mass of the star, and then randomly add a little extra to ascertain the total mass of our proto-planetary disk. We also define the age of the star system at this stage, driven  by both the star’s spectral class and its location in the galaxy. For example, you won’t find young star systems outside of the thin-disc region.

Next, we perform a number of calculations to define the various temperature regions within the system. We do this by working out how far from the star you need to be to achieve a specific Equilibrium Temperature using a given Bond Albedo, and this tells us where regions such as the Habitable Zone and Frost Line are located.

Now comes the fun part. Armed with our total mass pool (the proto-planetary disk) and our temperature regions, we randomly pick the location for the first planet. This will typically be no closer to the star than where the Equilibrium Temperature exceeds 2000 Kelvin. Once we know where the planet is, we work out what its basic type is (Silicate, Metallic, Gas, etc), and then work out its Equilibrium Temperature using its Bond Albedo. As a general rule, planets closer to the star have a higher quantity of heavier elements (metals) than those further out, because the lower mass volatiles (ices) are more easily blown outward by the stellar wind.

We then use the planet’s basic type to randomly decide its overall mass, and deduct that amount of mass from our mass pool.

For silicate and metallic planets we then work out what percentage of the planet is made up of its Core, Mantle, and Crust, along with defining the densities of those regions. This is then used to derive the overall radius of the planet. For example, if a planet’s core makes up a high percentage of its overall mass, it’s going to have a smaller radius because most of its mass consists of high density material.

Now that we know the planet’s mass and radius, we can calculate its surface gravity using Newton’s law of universal gravitation.

Next, we decide whether or not the planet has an atmosphere, and if so how thick it is. This is then used to work out any additional greenhouse effects, which when combined with the planet’s Equilibrium Temperature, gives us our final average surface temperature.

Using all of the above we can now define the planet’s final type. Silicate planets with surface temperatures hot enough to melt rock become lava planets. Gaseous worlds in the outer reaches of the system become Ice Giants, and if we’re really lucky an atmospheric planet in the habitable zone will become an Earth Analogue.

When placing the next planet we don’t just randomly choose a location, we instead employ the Blagg Formulation of the Titius-Bode law. The jury is still out on the validity of the Titius-Bode law, but for our purposes it does a good enough job of making sure planets are appropriately spaced apart. In a nutshell, each planet is approximately 1.5 to 1.9 times further away from the star than the one before it.

We repeat this process until there’s no more mass left from our proto-planetary disk, and then we sprinkle the outermost edge of the system with icy dwarf planets and other rocky bodies to create a Kuiper Belt type region. We also plan to add comets and other transitional objects in the future.

So, now we have a galaxy filled with billions of interesting star systems, how do we navigate and explore them? I’m glad you asked, because that’s the next section.


To successfully navigate any space you really need to know two key pieces of information:- where you are, and where you’re going. Let’s start by taking a look at our galactic coordinate system so we can answer those questions.

As a quick reminder, the galactic space is subdivided into 100ly³ “Sectors”, which are in turn subdivided into 1ly³ “Locations”. This is important because this forms the basis of the “Galactic Coordinates”.

The image on the right is the nav-entry panel as it appears in the game currently, and you’ll notice it’s displaying two different coordinate systems. This is because we don’t just need to know where the ship is relative to the galaxy, we also need to know where it is within the 1ly cube of its current location.

We just happen to be in orbit around Earth, so let’s break down our galactic coordinates of  X: -25850 Y: 50 Z: 50

The coordinates for the exact centre of our galaxy (Sag A*) are 50,50,50, which is the middle of Sector 0,0,0. This sounds odd at first, but it’s because each sector is 100ly³, so 50,50,50 is the exact middle of the 100ly cube.

That means Sol is -25800 lightyears away from Sag A* on the X axis, 0ly above (Z), and 0ly to the side (Y). Or in other words, Sol is in the exact centre of Sector -258,0,0.  Confused yet? Don’t worry, it takes a while to get the hang of it, and you only really need to know this if you’re going to be piloting the ship!

But what about the “Local Coordinates”? Well, as above, each “Location” within a sector consists of a 1ly cube, so the local coordinates represent where in that cube your ship (or target) currently is. Every star, planet, or alien space station will have their own set of local coordinates, so you’ll need to use both the Galactic and Local coordinates to pinpoint the exact location of an object within the galaxy. Behind the scenes this works with sub-millimetre accuracy, but for the navigation system we deal in kilometres in an effort to keep the number of digits from becoming too crazy.

It’s also worth mentioning that 0,0,0 in the local coordinate system is also the true world origin point of the game engine, and this will generally always represent either the central star for single-star systems, or the barycentre for multi-star systems. So, if we look at the local coordinates for our current position around Earth in kilometres (X: 46m Y: 64m Z: 128m), using vector math that translates to 150m km away from the local 0,0,0. Which is of course 1 Astronomical Unit.

(If you’re wondering why the Earth is in a strange position, it’s because the Sol system has an inclination of 60.2 degrees to the galactic plane)

So now that we know exactly where we are, and also where our target is located (a planet orbiting Sirius in the case of our example), it’s a relatively simple matter of  just pointing the ship in the right direction and firing up the FTL engines.

As your ship accelerates to the speeds needed to traverse the space between stars (570ly/h, or 5,000,000C), your Local Coordinates will increase until you reach the edge of your current Location’s 1ly cube. At that point your Galactic Coordinates will increment by 1 in that direction, and your Local Coordinates will wrap around to reflect the fact you have just entered a new Location cube. (As far as the game engine is concerned, you never fly further than 0.5ly from the world origin point)

If anything exists within that Location it will be loaded in at that point, otherwise you’re just flying through cold, empty space. What this means of course, and what we intended from the outset, is you don’t actually need to target anything or have a route planned to explore the galaxy. You can literally just pick whichever direction tickles your fancy and fly around until you stumble across something worth investigating. 100% real-time, 100% seamless.

In our final section, let’s take a look at what we’ve got planned to keep exploration fresh and engaging.


Procedural generation is incredibly powerful, and games like this simply wouldn’t be possible without it, but despite its power, it’s not entirely perfect. The main problem with procedural generation is that it can only ever be as good as the data you feed into it. For example, we can procedurally scatter space whales all over the galaxy until they number in the trillions, but if we only supply the procedural system with a handful of models you’ll have seen them all within a few star systems.

In order for exploration to remain interesting and rewarding in the long term, we need a massive pool of assets for it to work with. We also need to procedurally generate entirely unique assets on the fly, so when you retrieve an alien vase from a random planet it should be relatively unique in the galaxy.

Humans are naturally very good at spotting repeating patterns, so we do consider this to be one of our biggest challenges. To that end, once we have a sufficient amount of funding behind the game we will be paying artists to do nothing but create new and interesting things to feed into the procedural systems. We intend for our asset pools to number in the multiple thousands, and then we’ll just keep on adding more.

Let’s take a look at some of the things we have planned:


Our take on the Drake Equation is that life is abundant in the galaxy. If a planet has liquids, then the life calculations will be run to see what we end up with. Alien life could be anything from simple bacteria to mysterious ancient species, to whom you are nothing but a passing insect. This will be tied into the age of the star system, so older star systems will generally have more advanced alien life.

Intelligent alien species will have a number of random personality traits, and this will affect how they respond to your presence. You could, for example, meet a passive, young species who would benefit from your protection. Or, in the worst-case scenario, you could run into a highly aggressive, ancient species of xenophobes where you’ll be lucky to escape with your life.

It is our hope that the community will work together to map the galaxy so that such dangers can be indicated with an ominous “here be dragons”.


When meeting an intelligent alien species for the first time, you (if you’re the Captain) will be faced with a multiple choice conversation. Your responses will need to be chosen carefully based on the reactions of the alien contact.  If you handle the diplomacy well, you will have made successful first contact and they might offer you a gift (star charts, technology, an artefact, etc). If your diplomacy fails then you could get snubbed or straight out attacked.

We’re also planning for alien contacts to generate procedural missions. For example, helping them perform some science, or protecting one of their ships.


There will eventually be all manner of mysterious life in the stars, from giant crystal structures to ghostly glowing tendrils. Scanning and studying these strange life forms will be valuable for the science team on the ship.


Having scanned the surface of a planet, you will be able to send down a probe to retrieve a sample.  Different probes will retrieve different types of samples, from plant life to small creatures, or even artefects from lone extinct alien cultures.

Your science team will perform scans on retrieved samples, and depending on their ability you will learn more about the item. It could be a new food source, a piece of technology to improve your ship, or perhaps even a rapidly reproducing creature that quickly spreads all over your ship.  That will quickly become the Tactical Officers’ problem to sort out.


One of the more exciting things that we have planned is alien derelicts, where you will take a shuttle over to explore on foot. These will be like procedural dungeons, with their own dangers and intrigue to discover.  Just like the surface samples, you will be able to bring home souvenirs that will help or hinder you, depending on how good of a job your science team does at figuring the item out.

So that’s what we have planned so far, and we hope you’ll agree that the galaxy should be a very interesting place to explore. We will continue to expand the procedural content over time, and as always the priority will be to make the exploration gameplay as rewarding as it possible can be.